As metropolas, we offer you apartments and offices in accordance with your budget. We are proud to serve you in all other cities, especially in Istanbul. You fill out the form and send it to us, and we will offer you the best deals. Our experienced team will contact you in detail. How many square meters? How many rooms? Where? How much is the budget? According to the answers to such questions, apartments and offices will be offered to you.
Real Estate
Reliable and profitable investment opportunities
We offer solutions and services for your demands and needs. Living in Turkey, owning land, office,flat and business is one of the most important values nowadays . That's why we work day and night to meet your needs. Add value to your investments day by day.
As Metropolas, we will be the guarantor for purchase and rental transactions. After confirming our offers, we invite you to our office.
Our team will pick you up from the airport and take you to your hotel to rest. Your first night stay is free. It will be paid by us as Metropolas.
Contact With Us
Contact With Us
We will forward your feedback to our call center . Ask in the area you want, and we will answer it. We are here for you
Phone +90 531 231 35 71